There is no fee to convert from Postpaid to Prepaid
You cannot carry over any unused SMS/Minutes/Data to Prepaid
You can switch to Prepaid at any time; provided you have been on Postpaid Mobile for more than 12 months
Terminating and converting to Prepaid within the First 12 Months of the Contract is a breach of Contract. You are liable to pay the remaining monthly rental equivalent to the 12 months
You will need purchase credit for your prepay mobile once the conversion process is completed. This is available at any Vodafone Outlet or at any of our Resellers
From Prepay to Postpay
You will need an existing Vodafone Customer Account
There is no fee to convert to Postpaid
You cannot carry over existing credit or bundles to Postpaid. Ensure your credit balance is used before converting to Postpaid.