Setup 4G Modem-Huawei

Old 4G modems (Huawei models tower and square looking one)

Step 1: Open (IP link for website, this can also be found under the modem)

Step 2: Username: admin

Password: admin

Step 3: SSID Details

  • Update SSID name (Customer Wireless name)
  • Tick box for modify Password
  • Enter Wireless password in Modify Password

Step 4: Tick box for update automatic

Step 5: Update password to “adslr00t” (only if a new modem otherwise need admin credentials from previous staff whom programmed the modem)

Step 7: Settings - Dialup Setup - Profile Management - Add New Profile

  • Service: BBoLTE
  • Username: (Broadband username)
  • Password: (Broadband password)
  • APN: radapn
  • Save

Step 8: Click Mobile Connectivity - Turn off data then back on again

Step 9: Return to home page and wait for connection

Step 10: Check UTM for connection once blue light for INET shows on the modem.

NOTE: For old LTE modems Dark Blue - 3G

Turquoise - 4G

BBo4G sims programmed by Steph not the sales/cust care team

This modem can also be programmed from your mobile phone providing you can access it wirelessly.

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